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Grandparents PDF Print E-mail

The Adirondacks    

Our nationally famous Grandparent's and Grandchildren's Camp has been featured on the Today Show, CBS Evening News and in countless publications. Grandparents and  grandchildren (no parents permitted) arrive on Sunday evening in time for dinner and stay through Friday morning to learn a wide range of activities designed to built vital connections between people and nature.

Expect music,canoeing, w\swimming, hiking,natural crafts, singing,campfires, stars, balsam-scented air, and lots of laughter.


Baseball Tours    

GTC is a family owned company whose founders have over 25 years combined experience in leisure travel. If your family is like ours, you have extended family and dear friends living in distant places, and you and your immediate family all lead busy lives. Our first-hand knowledge of connecting with family, coupled with our professional experience, means we really understand family travel.  We also realize the changing definition of the word family and welcome everyone’s families to enjoy our adventures.

We know that grandparents and parents want to encourage the intellectual and social development of the children in their lives. Our children are the future, and they can make a difference in our uncertain world. A GTC travel experience opens a child’s eyes to a world of diverse people. Since our world is increasingly intertwined with other countries and cultures, we feel it is essential to equip children with the wisdom of their elders and a better understanding of their global community. Our tours are designed for families—children, adults, and grandparents—who are curious about their world.

Baseball, a favorite family pastime, is more than just peanuts and Crackerjacks. This baseball tour is a once in a lifetime experience for the family that wants to see the places and teams that made the sport famous.  Take tours of historic ballparks and watch American League rivals in action. Tour Boston and New York City. Meet a sportswriter, and then head to Cooperstown to see the Baseball Hall of Fame!  This baseball tour is paced so both adults and kids can enjoy themselves throughout this exciting week.     

Generations Touring Company     

Splendors of Italy   

The GRANDTRAVEL experience offers a wonderful way for grandparents and grandchildren to bond across miles and time and to create lasting memories. As travel companions, grandparents and grandchildren share the excitement of visiting far-away lands, discover the secrets of ancient cultures, and make friends worldwide. GRANDTRAVEL offers an opportunity for grandparents and grandchildren to relate to each other in remarkable new ways. There is no better way to convey a cultural inheritance and a lasting legacy to your grandchildren! Leave your grandchildren a world they know.

Traditionally, grandparents lived with their children, served as mentors, role models and teachers for their grandchildren. They linked the family’s past with its future and preserved values for coming generations. They helped the children to accept and understand the concept of aging. Today’s grandparents lead more active and independent lives. Great distances sometimes prevent them from seeing their grandchildren as often as they would like. Because grandparents understand the importance of nurturing and affection among generations, they are always looking for ways to draw their modern families closer together.
The trip with your grandchildren to Italy visits the cities of Venice, Florence and Rome. You will attend a Ventian Mask workshop, visit the islands of Murano and Burano and have a cooking lesson with a Tuscan chef.    

Grand Travel     
July 8-19, 2008 and August 5-16, 2008

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